Learning is fun!

I’m sure I’ve drawn your attention now, most likely because fun is not the first word that pops into your head when thinking about education. But why wouldn’t learning be fun? In fact, learning should be fun! At least, that’s one of the many interesting findings from the survey organised by ISSECAM, focusing on how medical doctors want to learn.

More than 80 physicians from over 30 countries participated, half of which (53%) had more than 15 years of experience on the counter. The younger the medical doctor, the more important fun becomes. It’s the spoon full of sugar that makes the medicine go down.

So, learning should be fun. What else showed up? Scientific literature, regarded as the most valuable source of information for doctors with > 15 years of experience in their pockets, is in decline. The younger generation no longer has an appetite for dry scientific information but prefers e-learning courses and decision support programs. In fact, even the responders with most seniority indicated that online CME is the future, with a growth potential twice the size of the growth potential of classical CME activities, such as literature and life meetings. Let’s get digital, Olivia Newton John already knew this back in ’81.

Fun and digital

So, learning should be fun and digital. And if possible, accessible whenever, wherever. And also, with a focus on applicability in their practice. And let’s not forget: time-efficient as well! Fun, digital, flexible, patient-centred and time-efficient… this reads like an ingredient list for the PinPoint Case Platform!

For over 2 years now, around 1,500 registered professionals have received various clinical cases in the areas of prostate cancer and LUTD. What’s the best treatment for 50-year old Alice, a secretary who complains about nocturia? Or for James, who once participated in the Summer Olympics of 1984, but now has an increased PSA-level? The PinPoint Case Platform is quick, it’s fun, it’s scientifically corroborated…  it’s the future! And it’s only a mouse click away: https://ppcp.mirrorsmed.org/.